Getting Started

Snowboard.JS can be used completely standalone or as a module into your application - the choice is very much yours and dependent on the needs of your application.

Snowboard is published in two versions - a browser-based version that is standalone and can be used simply by importing a JavaScript file into your HTML, or a Node-based version which can be imported into your application through the import declaration and built using your favourite compilation tool, such as Webpack or Vite.

Browser-based version

The browser-based version is the much simpler option for people who just want to get straight into it. The browser-based version is a simple, self-contained JavaScript file that can be downloaded from the Snowboard.js repository.

Download latest minified Snowboard.js {: .btn .btn-purple } Download latest unminified Snowboard.js {: .btn }

Once downloaded, you may make it web-accessible and include it in your HTML. It is best to include the script at the bottom of the HTML, just before the closing </body> tag.

    <!-- ... -->

    <script src=""></script>

The browser-based version automatically populates the Snowboard framework into the global variable window.Snowboard (or just Snowboard).

Node-based version

The Node-based version gives you more flexibility when building your app, and allows you to create a bundle of Snowboard and your own functionality. You can install Snowboard via NPM to take advantage of this:

npm install --save @wintercms/snowboard

When using this method, you must initialize the Snowboard framework yourself in an “app” or “base” script, and then use a compiling tool such as Webpack or Vite to build the bundle. An example base script would look like this:

import { Snowboard } from '@wintercms/snowboard';

((window) => {
    const app = new Snowboard();

    // Add any plugins, traits and abstracts here...

    window.Snowboard = app;

Then you can simply include the entire bundle in your app.

    <!-- ... -->

    <script src=""></script>